The genesis of the Scottish Journal of Performance sprang from a wish amongst doctoral students based at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and the University of St Andrews to create an academic platform for Scotland’s and Scottish performance research—a space dedicated to exploring, disseminating and showcasing issues and debate. In creating a new journal, scholars may respond to the appearance of new perspectives, or seek to carve out space for critical reflection within existing fields. The Scottish Journal of Performance has been founded with both aims at its core—we provide a platform for researchers to respond to the prodigious changes across Scottish arts and culture prior to and since devolution 15 years ago, while also rooting ourselves firmly within the traditions of some of the oldest academic institutions in the United Kingdom (a country, at the time of writing, which comprises several nations).
Whiteside, B. and Fletcher-Watson, B. (2013). Editorial. Scottish Journal of Performance, 1(1), pp. 5–9.
Scottish Journal of Performance
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