Classics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 66-70 of 163
A lexicon to Pindar
(1967) - Thesis -
Philetas of Cos : the poetical fragments
(1997) - ThesisThe greatest impediment in our effort to reconstruct the history of Greek literature of the 4th c. B.C. is the almost complete loss of important poets such as Antimachus of Colophon, a loss which leaves us in the dark as ... -
Narrative structure and narrative texture in the 'Aithiopika' of Heliodorus
(1997) - ThesisThis thesis consists of four individual studies, divided into two sections; "Narrative Structure" and "Narrative Texture". The first chapter ("Heliodoros and the Conventions of Romance") addresses the issue of the essence ... -
Euripidean lyric metres : a classification
(1983) - ThesisIn this thesis two branches of Euripidean lyric metres are discussed: aeolic and prosodiac-enoplian. A. M. Dale established aeolo-choriambic and prosodiac-enoplian as genera subsuming as species a number of various forms ... -
A lexicon to Diodorus Siculus
(1981) - ThesisThe decision to undertake the compilation of a lexicon to an ancient author needs little apology. When the author is Diodorus and the lexicon is the first, none whatsoever is needed and it is ray modest hope that the present ...