Classics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-65 of 163
Myth and personal experience in Roman love-elegy, with consideration of the Hellenistic background
(1979) - ThesisThis thesis examines the manner in which the Roman love-elegists used myth to illustrate personal experience. It is shown that the elegists were probably indebted to the poets of the Hellenistic period for the various ... -
Linguistic and literary studies in the "Epitome historion" of John Zonaras
(1996) - ThesisJohn Zonaras, a high-ranking judge, subsequently a monk in the twelfth-century Byzantine Empire, is well known as author of a universal history that stretches from the Creation to his own time and a collection of canon ... -
A commentary on Xenophon's 'Àpologia Sokratous'
(2000) - ThesisThis thesis is a commentary on Xenophon the Athenian's (Apology of Socrates), a work written in the first half of the 4th century B.C. with the express purpose of explaining Socrates' self-aggrandizing behaviour during his ... -
Quintus Smyrnaeus : Posthomerica XII, a commentary
(1979) - ThesisThis commentary sets out (1) to monitor closely a sizable portion of imperial Greek epic poetry, and to arrive, on the basis of available evidence (vi2., extant Greek poetry, primarily), at an idea of the funds (both ... -
The Platonic 'Theages' : an introduction, commentary and critical edition
(1988) - ThesisThe Theages poses a number of problems for the interpreter of Plato and the Platonic dialogue. Traditionally, the most controversial one concerns the authenticity of the work: is Plato its author, and what criteria may be ...