Now showing items 411-415 of 897

    • Triphenyl- and tetraphenyl cyclopentadienylides 

      Singer, Michael Inglis Campbell (University of St Andrews, 1968) - Thesis
      The thermal decomposition of 2,3,4,5-tetraphenyldiazo cyclopentadiene in pyridine and methyl pyridines has been found to provide a route to the corresponding pyridinium 2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl-cyclopentadienylide. This procedure ...
    • Diacylcyclopentadienes 

      Preston, Nigel Wilkes (University of St Andrews, 1968) - Thesis
      A property of aromatic compounds is their preference for reaction with electrophiles by substitution rather than by addition. A number. of substituted cyclopentadienes have been prepared by electrophilic substitution of ...
    • Excited state reactions of some aromatic carbonyl compounds 

      Ireland, John Frame (University of St Andrews, 1972) - Thesis
      The pK values for xanthone protonation in the S₀, S₁ and T₁ states have been determined by direct measurement and by Forster Cycle calculation. Both methods for determining pK give the order for xanthone of pK(T₁) > pK(S₁) ...
    • The pyrolysis of methyl iodide 

      Boyd, Robert Kinnear (University of St Andrews, 1963) - Thesis
      There is an extensive literature on the pyrolysis and photolysis of organic iodides. The main reason for the popularity of these substances as subjects for kinetic investigations is the relative weakness of the carbon-iodine ...
    • Glyceride studies of selected seed oils 

      Qureshi, Muhammad Ilyas (University of St Andrews, 1966) - Thesis
      1. The component glycerides of J. curcas, J. inultifida, J. gossypifolla and sunflower seed oils are determined by a new method of crystallisation and column chromatography on silica-silver nitrate. 2. The component ...