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dc.contributor.advisorWood, Kenny
dc.contributor.advisorEadie, Ewan
dc.contributor.advisorHossain-Ibrahim, Kismet
dc.contributor.advisorBrown, C.Tom A.
dc.contributor.authorFinlayson, Louise Ann
dc.description.abstractThis thesis looks at using Monte Carlo radiative transfer (MCRT) to simulate the path and effect of light as it travels through biological tissue. The increase in light-based skin treatments and medical technology has resulted in a need for detailed information on the penetration depth of light into skin. A 6-layer skin model is developed to simulate the propagation of light from 200 nm - 1000 nm into skin with Fitzpatrick photo-type I. The effect of varying stratum corneum thickness and light incident angle is investigated before looking at the lateral spread of a laser beam incident on the skins surface. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a light based therapy currently used or being investigated to treat many different forms of cancer. The combination of treatment light, a photosensitising drug and oxygen result in a localised toxic effect that specifically targets cancer cells. The MCRT code is used to develop a time dependant simulation of PDT, considering the treatment light fluence rate and local concentrations of photosensitiser and oxygen. This allows different PDT protocols to be simulated and compared. Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive and difficult to treat form of brain tumour. It has a low survival rate due to the tumours highly diffusive nature, resulting in a high rate of recurrence. A recent clinical trial aimed to increase this survival time by intraoperatively treating the resection cavity with PDT at the end of resection surgery to increase the extent of resection. The MCRT/PDT simulation is used to model this protocol and investigate the effect on tumour cell kill when varying several treatment parameters such as treatment time, light power and photosensitiser concentration. Finally, a heat transport simulation is also used to investigate the effect of intraoperative PDT treatment on the temperature of the surrounding brain tissues.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship"This work was supported by ht UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonics (Grant No. EP/S022821/1); and the Laser Research and Therapy Fund (Grant No. SC030850)."--Fundingen
dc.relationFinlayson, L. A., McMillan, L. T., Suveges, S., Steele, D., Eftimie, R., Trucu, D., Brown, C. T. A., Eadie, E., Hossain-Ibrahim, K., & Wood, K. (2024). Simulating photodynamic therapy for the treatment of glioblastoma using Monte Carlo radiative transport. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 29(2), Article 025001.
dc.relationEadie, E., O’Mahoney, P., Finlayson, L., Barnard, I. R. M., Ibbotson, S. H., & Wood, K. (2021). Computer modeling indicates dramatically less DNA damage from far-UVC krypton chloride lamps (222 nm) than from sunlight exposure. Photochemistry and Photobiology, Early View. Advance online publication.
dc.relationFinlayson, L., Barnard, I. R. M., McMillan, L., Ibbotson, S. H., Brown, C. T. A., Eadie, E., & Wood, K. (2022). Depth penetration of light into skin as a function of wavelength from 200 nm to 1000 nm. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 98(4), 974-981.
dc.relationChapter 2 Louise Finlayson Thesis. Finlayson, L. A., Zenodo, 10 Feb 2024. DOI:
dc.relationChapter 3 Louise Finlayson Thesis. Finlayson, L. A., Zenodo, 11 Feb 2024. DOI:
dc.relationChapter 4 Louise Finlayson Thesis. Finlayson, L. A., Zenodo, 11 Feb 2024. DOI:
dc.relationChapter 5 Louise Finlayson Thesis. Finlayson, L. A., Zenodo, 11 Feb 2024. DOI:
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International*
dc.subjectMonte Carlo radiative transport (MCRT)en_US
dc.subjectProtoporphyrin IX (PpIX)en_US
dc.subjectTreatment efficacyen_US
dc.subjectFluence rateen_US
dc.subjectOxygen dynamicsen_US
dc.subjectLight penetration depth into skinen_US
dc.subjectHeat transporten_US
dc.subjectIntraoperative PDTen_US
dc.subjectPhotodynamic therapy (PDT)en_US
dc.titleMonte Carlo simulation of intraoperative photodynamic therapy for glioblastoma : investigating dosimetric parameters and treatment efficacyen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Centre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonicsen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorLaser Research and Therapy Funden_US
dc.type.qualificationnamePhD Doctor of Philosophyen_US
dc.publisher.institutionThe University of St Andrewsen_US
dc.publisher.departmentCentre for Doctoral Training in Applied Photonicsen_US

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