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dc.contributor.advisorSmout, Sophie
dc.contributor.advisorJames, Mark Andrew
dc.contributor.advisorIllian, Janine
dc.contributor.advisorThorburn, James A.
dc.contributor.advisorWright, Peter J.
dc.contributor.authorLavender, Edward
dc.coverage.spatialxiv, 333 p.en_US
dc.description.abstract1. Movement shapes the lives of animals and their interactions with human activities. In recent decades, the emergence of movement ecology as a discipline and developments in electronic tagging and tracking have led to substantial improvements in our understanding of animal movement and its implications for species conservation. Yet while research has burgeoned for many taxa, including sharks, other groups in aquatic ecosystems, such as skate (Rajidae), remain comparatively understudied. 2. The flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) is a large, Critically Endangered elasmobranch. The species has been extirpated from much of its former range, but individuals are still found off west Scotland where the Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura Marine Protected Area (MPA) has been designated for flapper skate conservation. However, skate movements within and around the MPA remain poorly understood. 3. This thesis investigates the movements of flapper skate in relation to the MPA using electronic tagging and tracking data from passive acoustic telemetry, archival (depth and temperature) tags and mark-recapture angling. Objectives include the examination of site affinity, vertical movements and responses to disturbance. Research in these areas motivates the development of a flexible, mechanistic modelling framework for passive acoustic telemetry systems. 4. For flapper skate, the key finding is the prevalence of site affinity to the MPA. Vertical movements are shaped by depth-specific periodic behaviours and individual variation. These movements can be perturbed by angling, but on the whole skate appear to be behaviourally resilient to this practice. 5. Beyond flapper skate, this thesis highlights multifarious uses of electronic tagging and tracking data, brings underutilised analytical methods to the attention of the movement ecology community and establishes a holistic framework for movement modelling in passive acoustic telemetry systems. This work demonstrates the wide-ranging contributions of species-specific studies in the fields of movement ecology and conservation.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship"The work was conducted during a PhD studentship at the University of St Andrews, jointly funded by NatureScot (via MASTS) and the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling. Data were collected as part of research funded by NatureScot (project 015960) and Marine Scotland (projects SP004 and SP02B0) via the Movement Ecology of Flapper Skate project. Additional funding was provided from MASTS and Shark Guardian." -- Acknowledgementsen
dc.description.sponsorship"The work was conducted during a PhD studentship at the University of St Andrews, jointly funded by NatureScot (via MASTS) and the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling. Data were collected as part of research funded by NatureScot (project 015960) and Marine Scotland (projects SP004 and SP02B0) via the Movement Ecology of Flapper Skate project. Additional funding was provided from MASTS and Shark Guardian."--Acknowledgementsen
dc.relationLavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J., James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S., & Thorburn, J. (2021). Movement patterns of a Critically Endangered elasmobranch (Dipturus intermedius) in a Marine Protected Area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, Early View.
dc.relationLavender, E., Alenynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J., James, M., Wright, P. J., Smout, S., & Thorburn, J. A. (2021). Environmental cycles and individual variation in the vertical movements of a benthic elasmobranch. Marine Biology, 168(11), [164]. [ : Open Access version]en
dc.relationLavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J., James, M. A., & Wright, P. (2022). Behavioural responses of a large, benthic elasmobranch to catch-and-release angling. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, [864344]. [ : Open Access version]
dc.subjectAnimal behaviouren_US
dc.subjectDipturus intermediusen_US
dc.subjectMovement ecologyen_US
dc.subjectSpecies conservationen_US
dc.subject.lcshDipturus--Monitoring--Scotland--Case studiesen
dc.subject.lcshFish tagging--Scotlanden
dc.subject.lcshSpatial ecology--Mathematical modelsen
dc.subject.lcshMarine parks and reserves--Scotlanden
dc.subject.lcshWildlife conservation--Scotlanden
dc.titleModelling the movements of flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) in relation to a Scottish Marine Protected Areaen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorCentre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling (CREEM)en_US
dc.contributor.sponsorNatureScot (Agency)en_US
dc.contributor.sponsorScotland. Marine Scotlanden_US
dc.contributor.sponsorMarine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)en_US
dc.contributor.sponsorShark Guardianen_US
dc.type.qualificationnamePhD Doctor of Philosophyen_US
dc.publisher.institutionThe University of St Andrewsen_US
dc.publisher.departmentScottish Oceans Institute, Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modellingen_US
dc.rights.embargoreasonEmbargo period has ended, thesis made available in accordance with University regulationsen

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