Biology Theses
The School promotes an interdisciplinary approach to both applied and fundamental research problems and to postgraduate training. Research in the School is organised into three major interdisciplinary centres: the Scottish Oceans Institute (SOI), Biomedical Sciences Research Complex (BSRC) and Centre for Biological Diversity (CBD). Together these centres encompass the full spectrum of research in biological sciences, spanning investigations on the properties and behaviour of individual molecules to planetary environmental dynamics.
For more information please visit the School of Biology home page.
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Recent Submissions
Interspecific interactions : investigating the role of grey seals in the harbour seal decline
(2025-07-02) - ThesisSympatric species can interact within and between trophic levels, having top-down and bottom-effects on the structure of ecological communities. Over the past 20 years, grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seal (Phoca ... -
Biochemical and microscopical investigation of heavy metal associated isoprenylated plant protein 7 (HIPP7) as a component and regulator of plasmodesmata
(2025-07-02) - ThesisThe plant cell wall is a barrier to intercellular, cytoplasmic connectivity. Plasmodesmata (PD) are membrane-lined channels which form specialised gaps across the cell wall to provide and mediate cell-to-cell connectivity. ... -
Vocal learning in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) : affect, control, and discrimination
(2025-07-02) - ThesisThe origin of human language remains one of the biggest unanswered questions in our evolutionary history. One of the fundamental traits of language acquisition is vocal learning. Vocal learning is a rare trait, only present ... -
Detecting viability selection in natural populations
(2025-07-02) - ThesisTo maximize fitness, an organism faces a trade-off in balancing the limited energy and resources that it can acquire towards survival and reproduction. I took an interdisciplinary approach to explore various types of ...