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dc.contributor.advisorJohnson, Mark
dc.contributor.advisorHooker, Sascha
dc.contributor.authorVance, Heather Margaret
dc.coverage.spatial[13], 208 p.en_US
dc.description.abstractUnderstanding the strategies animals use to locate, select, and capture prey can guide more robust conservation efforts. In marine megafauna, foraging is often inferred from infrequent surface positions using biotelemetry tags. In this thesis I argue that finer-scale measurements of predator movements, prey availability and behaviour are critical to understanding foraging decisions. To explore this I used multi-sensor, high-resolution biologging tags on three megafauna species and compared optimal foraging predictions to actual behaviour over a hierarchy of spatiotemporal scales. At the landscape scale, I studied a central-place forager, the harbour seal, which accesses distant and nearshore prey although the relative importance of these resources is poorly understood. I found that prey encounter rates were similar for the two resources but while prey were distributed extensively offshore, inshore foraging was concentrated in just a few discrete patches. I suggest that the trade-off between accessibility and conspecific competition may influence site selection. At the patch scale, I studied a bulk-filter feeder, whale sharks, which are presumed to be highly-selective to offset the energetic cost of this strategy. Using novel sonar tags to record fine-scale behaviour and prey densities, I found that sharks did not selectively harvest rare dense patches. Instead, a less-selective strategy with continual-patch assessment may be advantageous when prey density is highly heterogenous. At the scale of prey captures, I studied the sensory and locomotor responses of an echolocating predator to evasive prey. Results revealed rapid responses to prey movements which scale with the acceleration of prey, enabling this energetically constrained mammal to reliably capture high-energy prey. Within each study, detailed biologging measurements were critical to understanding factors influencing foraging choices and capabilities. Such data help define the plasticity with which predators can respond to changing prey distribution, density, and performance, and provide critical insights to focus effective conservation actions.en_US
dc.description.sponsorship"This work was supported by the German Federal Agency of Nature Conservation under the projects under the projects “Effects of underwater noise on marine vertebrates” (Cluster 7, Z1.253302/2010/14) and “Under Water Noise Effects – UWE” (Project numbers FKZ 3515822000). This work was supported by the University of St Andrews (School of Biology). The wild harbour porpoise tagging study was funded by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation under the contract Z1.2-5330/2010/14 and the BfN-Cluster 7 'Effects of underwater noise on marine vertebrates'." -- Fundingen
dc.publisherUniversity of St Andrews
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectOptimal foraging theoryen_US
dc.subjectPredator-prey interactionsen_US
dc.subjectPrey captureen_US
dc.subjectSpatial scales of foragingen_US
dc.subject.lcshMarine mammals--Behavioren
dc.subject.lcshMarine mammals--Fooden
dc.subject.lcshHarbor seal--Radio trackingen
dc.subject.lcshWhale shark--Radio trackingen
dc.subject.lcshHarbor porpoise--Radio trackingen
dc.titleFantastic feasts and where to find them : using biologging to investigate foraging behaviour of marine megafauna across a range of spatiotemporal scalesen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorUniversity of St Andrews. School of Biologyen_US
dc.contributor.sponsorGermany. Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)en_US
dc.type.qualificationnamePhD Doctor of Philosophyen_US
dc.publisher.institutionThe University of St Andrewsen_US
dc.rights.embargoreasonEmbargo period has ended, thesis made available in accordance with University regulationsen
dc.identifier.grantnumberCluster 7, Z1.2-53302/2010/14en_US
dc.identifier.grantnumberFKZ 3515822000en_US

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