Centre for Biological Diversity (CBD) Theses
The Centre for Biological Diversity (CBD) is a new initiative building on St Andrews' strengths in fundamental and applied research into the origins and maintenance of biodiversity. The CBD has strong collaborative links with researchers found across the University in the Schools of Biology, Psychology, Geography & GeoSciences, Mathematics and Management.
For more information please visit the Centre for Biological Diversity home page.
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Recent Submissions
The role of individual behaviour in the collective cultural evolution of humpback whale songs
(University of St Andrews, 2018-12-06) - ThesisFor more than forty years, the complex songs emitted by humpback whales have fascinated the scientific community as well as the general public. These songs are produced by males during the breeding season, and are ... -
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(University of St Andrews, 2016-06-01) - Thesis -
Biodiversity change in the Cerrado following invasive pine tree establishment
(University of St Andrews, 2017-12-07) - ThesisHow do newly established species interact with existing assemblage members to alter local biodiversity? This question is especially topical given growing concerns about increased temporal turnover levels relative to ... -
A behavioural and genomic approach to studying the evolution of reproductive isolation : a contact zone between closely related field crickets in the genus Teleogryllus
(University of St Andrews, 2017-06-21) - ThesisWhat processes contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation and the coexistence of interfertile species in the same habitat? This thesis investigates the relative roles of species interactions and intraspecific ... -
Distribution ecology of Palearctic migrants in the humid Guinea savannah in West Africa
(University of St Andrews, 2015-11-30) - ThesisDeclines in breeding populations of most migrants across much of the Palearctic have been linked to environmental conditions in their African non-breeding grounds. Studying winter distribution dynamics for these species ...