Geography & Sustainable Development Research
We are a leading centre for scholarship in geography and sustainable development, and aim to integrate the study of the earth system with its landscapes, peoples, places and environments. We teach and research across the breadth of the geography discipline, also bringing together expertise in the social and natural sciences to examine and develop the principles and practice of sustainable development. The school was ranked first in the UK by the Guardian University Guide for 2016.
For more information please visit the School of Geography & Sustainable Development home page.
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Recent Submissions
Habitat preferences of juvenile Scottish ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) at stopover and wintering sites
(2017) - Journal articleIn this study, we use satellite-tracking data from five juvenile Scottish Ospreys Pandion haliaetus to explore habitat preferences at stopover and wintering sites. Daily activity patterns were analysed using a binomial ... -
The impact of alcohol consumption on patterns of union formation in Russia 1998–2010 : an assessment using longitudinal data
(2014-10) - Journal articleUsing data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, 1998–2010, we investigated the extent to which patterns of alcohol consumption in Russia are associated with the subsequent likelihood of entry into cohabitation ... -
Life-course partnership history and midlife health behaviours in a population-based birth cohort
(2017-03) - Journal articleBackground: Marital and partnership history is strongly associated with health in midlife and later life. However, the role of health behaviours as an explanatory mechanism remains unclear. The aim of this study was to ... -
Women and citizenship post-trafficking : the case of Nepal
(2016-05-01) - Journal articleThis article analyses the relationship between gender, sexuality and citizenship embedded in models of citizenship in the Global South, specifically in South Asia, and the meanings associated with having - or not having - ... -
Late-Holocene land surface change in a coupled social-ecological system, southern Iceland : a cross-scale tephrochronology approach
(2014-02-15) - Journal articleThe chronological challenge of cross-scale analysis within coupled socio-ecological systems can be met with tephrochronology based on numerous well-dated tephra layers. We illustrate this with an enhanced chronology from ...