School of Geography & Sustainable Development
We are a leading centre for scholarship in geography and sustainable development, and aim to integrate the study of the earth system with its landscapes, peoples, places and environments. We teach and research across the breadth of the geography discipline, also bringing together expertise in the social and natural sciences to examine and develop the principles and practice of sustainable development. The school was ranked first in the UK by the Guardian University Guide for 2016.
For more information please visit the School of Geography & Sustainable Development home page.
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Recent Submissions
Family trajectories and health of Pakistanis and their descendants in the United Kingdom and Norway
(2025-07-04) - ThesisImmigrant and minority incorporation and assimilation are highly relevant for policymakers, academics, and wider society. Previous family and health research has shown huge variation between minority groups. However, most ... -
The geopolitical ecology of conservation : discourse and power in counter wildlife trafficking programmes in Peru
(2025-07-04) - ThesisThe illegal wildlife trade (IWT) has risen as an emergent threat for conservation. Academia and governments have often ignored IWT in the Americas, but growing interest in counter wildlife trafficking (CWT) in Latin America ... -
Monitoring soil erosion and vegetation pattern related to microclimatic conditions in Icelandic and Fennoscandian tundra
(2025-07-04) - ThesisThe Arctic tundra, a key regulator of the global carbon cycle that stores nearly half of the world's below-ground organic carbon, is increasingly threatened by soil erosion driven by climate change and anthropogenic activity. ... -
The oil and gas geologist’s Arctic in the age of the Anthropocene - knowledge, politics and imaginative geologies
(2024-12-03) - ThesisThis dissertation is about how geologists produce Arctic oil and gas estimate knowledge and think about what they do at a time of profound environmental and climate change (often dubbed the Anthropocene). Accordingly, the ... -
Growing old with multimorbidity : how our differences shape the years we live with disease
(2024-12-03) - ThesisThis thesis aims to understand how population inequalities in multimorbid life expectancy and inequalities in disease accumulation vary within and between countries and over time. Using a combination of advanced demographic ...