Medicine Portfolio Theses
Multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches have been central to the continued success of medical research in St Andrews. Internationally recognised research programmes in various aspects of molecular medicine, psychology and community health sciences are currently being promoted and extended. Our research themes include: Medical Photonics; Molecular Biology, encompassing Infection, Genomics, and Cell Signalling; and People and Populations, encompassing Health Psychology, Violence Reduction, and Child and Adolescent Health.
For more information please visit the School of Medicine home page.
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Recent Submissions
Investigating the impact of the management of subclinical hypothyroidism on long-term clinical outcomes
(2025-07-04) - ThesisAbstract redacted -
A comprehensive analysis of patient-reported outcome measures after surgery of the upper limb
(2024-06-14) - ThesisTable of contents: List of papers submitted under section headings. Introduction -- 1. Patient-reported outcome measures following commonly performed elective hand surgery procedures -- 2. Patient-reported outcome ... -
Fifty years in inborn errors of metabolism : from urine ferric chloride to mass spectrometry and gene analysis
(University of St Andrews, 2014) - ThesisPrefatory material introducing a collection of articles spanning fifty years of research into inborn errors of metabolism. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction -- 2. Background information about inborn errors of metabolism ... -
The inferior vena caval compression theory of hypotension in obstetric spinal anaesthesia: studies in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy, a literature review and revision of fundamental concepts
(2011) - ThesisThree clinical investigations together with a combined editorial and review of the cardiovascular physiology of spinal anaesthesia in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy form the basis of a thesis to be submitted for ...