Centre for the Study of Ancient Systems of Knowledge (LOGOS)
The LOGOS Research Centre was set up in 2001 to develop collaborative research projects into the systems of knowledge by which Greeks and Romans organised their understanding and description of the world. The Centre is designed to foster closer collaboration between these activities, and sponsor new initiatives. LOGOS is based in the School of Classics and functions with the participation of academic staff from Divinity, English, International Relations and Philosophy, together with members of other Schools whose interests include the ancient world.
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Feeling forsaken : Christ's descent into hell in the theology of John Calvin
(University of St Andrews, 2021-07-01) - ThesisThere currently exists a substantial lacuna in scholarship on the place of Christ’s descent into hell in the theology of John Calvin. Although Calvin devoted five times more space in his ‘Institutes’ to Christ’s descent ... -
Romanization 2.0 and its alternatives
(2014-06) - Journal articleThis essay argues that Romanization revolves around understanding objects in motion and that Roman archaeologists should therefore focus on (1) globalization theory and (2) material-culture studies as important theoretical ...