Social Anthropology Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 96-100 of 182
Dancing into darkness : cosmopolitanism and 'peripherality' in the Greek goth scene
(University of St Andrews, 2017-06-22) - ThesisThis thesis discusses concepts of cosmopolitism and peripherality in the Greek and wider European goth scene. The research took place primarily in Greece but extended to Germany, the United Kingdom and online as I ... -
Re-making urban space : writing social realities in the British city
(University of St Andrews, 2003) - ThesisIn this thesis I investigate the narrative rendering of urban experiences and the place of agency within these renderings, looking in particular at the personal stories of urban dwellers. Grounded in anthropological ... -
Realities of an 'Orkney way' : communicating perceptions of renewable energy in Orkney, Scotland
(University of St Andrews, 2017-06-22) - ThesisOrkney is currently home to over 400 wind turbines and a growing marine energy industry, developing cutting edge technology for what could be called a global energy transition. Situated off the north tip of the Scottish ... -
Kaale belongings and Evangelical becomings : faith, commitment and social outreach among the Finnish Kaale (Finnish Roma)
(University of St Andrews, 2017-06-22) - ThesisGrounded in a theoretical debate between anthropological studies on Roma/Gypsies and anthropological studies of Christianity, the focus of this thesis is on the experience of social and religious life among members of a ... -
Bougainville revisited : understanding the crisis and U-Vistract through an ethnography of everyday life in Nagovisi
(University of St Andrews, 2015-06-26) - ThesisThis thesis offers an ethnographic study of everyday life in Nagovisi of Southwest Bougainville. The study focuses on aspects of how the Nagovisi construe social relations with a specific focus on vernacular categories ...