Now showing items 56-60 of 182

    • The concept of the Outlook Tower in the work of Patrick Geddes 

      Cuthbert, Michael (University of St Andrews, 1987) - Thesis
      As an academic, a scholar and a thinker Patrick Geddes worked in a wide and diverse range of intellectual fields. He was active in biology and botany, geography, sociology, what came to be called town planning, history and ...
    • Humiliation : a theme in ecclesiastical folklore 

      Guy, John Purchase (University of St Andrews, 1983) - Thesis
      This work is an investigation into the background of a phemomenon found in the field of folklore, namely, public shame. In particular, the Spanish Inquisition provides the context for an enquiry into why a people accepted ...
    • Quichua tales from Cañar, Ecuador 

      Howard-Malverde, Rosaleen E. (University of St Andrews, 1979) - Thesis
      The thesis comprises a classification and analysis of 64 tales told by Indian inhabitants of the rural communities around the highland town of Canar, Southern Central Ecuador, The informants all had Quichua as their mother ...
    • Mimesis, mirror and mask : modern imaginaries of self and other 

      Ceuppens, Godelieve Bambi (University of St Andrews, 1997) - Thesis
      This dissertation set out to investigate the thesis that the Modern Western Self has "created" Self as a self-creating, creative category, and in denying all possibilities of originality to the Other, has "created" the ...
    • Curandeirismo in the Reconcavo of Bahia : a study in cultural syncretism based on the fusion of African, indigenous and European curing practices 

      Williams, Paul V. A. (University of St Andrews, 1976) - Thesis
      The study records thaumaturgic methods of curing and preventing illness and misfortune as practiced by curandeiros (curers, folk doctors) using an ethnographic-linguistic approach based on fieldwork in the Reconcavo area ...