Enskiled coping : exploring the process of becoming skilled in and through the practice of craft
Becoming skilled is often portrayed through linear trajectories and stepwise models that
reduce the complexity of lived experience. In turn, these models restrict the possibilities
for going on by suggesting that what we do, and how we know, unfolds in a
unidirectional and predetermined manner. This thesis addresses this problem by
exploring the process of becoming skilled over time. It traces the author’s own
becoming a potter through apprenticeship in the practice of craft. Based on this rich
empirical data three contributions are made to process studies in management and
organisation. Firstly, this thesis illuminates a multi-directional, two-phased ‘pattern of
enskilment’ through which practitioners develop the necessary foundational skills to
grasp the underlying logic of practice and reveal new ways of going on. Secondly,
patterns of enskilment are shown to unfold in the forces and flows of the wider
institutional arrangements as practitioners both follow and orchestrate the rhythms of
practice. In turn, the emergent and potent forces that shape the course of ongoing
becoming are revealed. In so doing, form-imposing structures, such as rules, judgments
and intentions are shown to be ongoing and emergent forces that are generated in and
through process, as it unfolds against a background of practice. Finally, apprenticeship
is presented as means of understanding becoming through the process of becoming
itself. Herein researcher and researched are reunited in the synchronous weaving
together of simultaneous lines of becoming as they traverse overlapping practice(s). To
this end, what we know and what we do are inherently entangled in who we are.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Embargo Date: 2019-05-04
Embargo Reason: Thesis restricted in accordance with University regulations. Print and electronic copy restricted until 4th May 2019
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