French Research
The Department of French is truly diverse in its outlook and activities. Significant numbers of international students, including students from France, are attracted to the Department of French within the context of our exchange and postgraduate study programmes, making it a truly international and francophone environment in which to pursue academic study.
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Recent Submissions
The politics of opera under Louis XIV : dissident descendants in the third reign
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2016-12-01) - Book item -
Rendez-vous manqués : de qui, de quoi la poésie est-elle (la) contemporaine? (Mallarmé, Rancière)
(2015-03) - Journal article -
'En dehors de la fête' : entre présence et absence, pour une approche dialogique de l'identité dans Les Années d'Annie Ernaux
(2012-07) - Journal articleLe postulat de cet article est que la conception de l’identité telle qu’elle est développée dans Les Années d’Annie Ernaux (2008) fonctionne sur un mouvement paradoxal de présence et absence du sujet (auteure, narratrice ... -
Perceptions of France : French books in the early libraries of South Australia, 1848-1884
(2009) - Journal articleIn 1848, the South Australian Library and Mechanics’ Institute came into existence. It was the first stable library in South Australia. In 1856 its books passed to the library of the South Australian Institute, whose ... -
The OuLiPoe, or constraint and (contre-)performance : ‘The Philosophy of Composition’ and the Oulipian manifestos
(2008-03) - Journal article