Centre for Late Antique Studies Research
Late Antiquity, the period that extends from approximately 250 to 800 CE, was a crucial period in the History of humanity. During these centuries, a large area covering most of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia experienced profound social, political, and cultural changes. These included the rise and establishment of Christianity and Islam, the destruction of the Persian Empire, the progressive disappearance of the Roman Empire and the rise of smaller political units in the West, and the affirmation of Byzantium and Islam as major political and cultural players. This was a time of political and cultural innovations, a process that can be studied through a wide range of materials and specialisms. The University of St Andrews is home to a large number of scholars, whose range of expertise cover the archaeology, history, literature and religious life of this period. The Centre for Late Antique Studies brings together members of the academic staff and students from the Schools of Classics, Divinity, History, and Modern Languages, offering a unique environment for the study of this pivotal period of History.
For more information please visit the Centre for Late Antique Studies home page.
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