St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture
The St Andrews Centre for French History and Culture was founded in 2005 to enhance and expand the university's existing strengths in French history. The Centre provides an intellectual and social focus for staff and graduate students working in any field and on any period related to the history of France and its possessions, and offers a designated specialist pathway in French history for postgraduate students.
For more information please visit the Centre for French History and Culture publications page.
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Recent Submissions
The reform of zeal: François de Sales and militant French Catholicism
(Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews, 2018-12) - BookThe Reform of Zeal explores the origins, nature, and impact of François de Sales’s vision of Catholic douceur (gentleness) in the era of the French Wars of Religion. Since Natalie Zemon Davis’s pioneering work on the ‘rites ... -
In search of the gentilshommes campagnards: noble diversity and social structure in Burgundy, 1682-1789
(Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews, 2017-08-01) - BookThis study of the gentilshommes campagnards of Burgundy reconsiders the supposed decline of the population of old rural noble families during the last century of the ancien régime. Historical debate has focused on various ... -
Hold still, Madame: wartime gender and the photography of women in France during the Great War
(Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews, 2014) - BookThis study investigates French images of women during the First World War, the feminine postures and roles captured by photographers, how female images were used in the wartime media and by the state, and how captions and ... -
The Legacy of Iconoclasm: religious war and the relic landscape of Tours, Blois and Vendôme, 1550-1750
(Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews, 2013-09) - BookThis study explores the process of physically rebuilding, renewing and reinventing the relic landscape in the regions around Tours, Blois and Vendôme following the widespread iconoclastic damage of the French religious ... -
"For the salvation of my soul": women and wills in medieval and early modern France
(Centre for French History and Culture of the University of St Andrews, 2012) - BookThis volume seeks to investigate the testamentary practices of women in medieval and early modern France, examining the experience of a cross-section of the population, from artisans to the elite, in Aix-en-Provence, ...