Modern History Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 56-60 of 234
The 1956 Suez Crisis : British reaction to United States policy
(University of St Andrews, 1971) - ThesisIn late October 1956 Israel crossed into Egyptian territory and the security of the Suez Canal became the world's concern. Forty-eight different nations had utilized the Canal during the previous year when more than one ... -
A study of Bertrand Barère and the French Revolution
(University of St Andrews, 1969) - Thesis -
The metaphysical basis of R. G. Collingwood's 'Philosophy of history'
(University of St Andrews, 1957) - Thesis -
The evolution of land tenure and the agrarian economy in nineteenth century and early twentieth century Egypt
(University of St Andrews, 1982) - ThesisWhen Muḥammad ‘Ali came to power in 1805, he undertook a drastic change in Egyptian land tenure. He abolished the iltizam or tax-farm system and seized all rizaq ahbasiya or religious endowments of agricultural land. When ... -
Out for a walk : pedestrian practices & British preservationism, c.1850 - 1950
(University of St Andrews, 2020-12-02) - ThesisThis thesis evaluates the connections between rural walking, modernity, and preservationism in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain. During this period, the expressed practices of rural walking were overt ...