Centre for Syrian Studies (CSS)
The mission of the Centre is to foster scholarship and dialogue about Syria and exchanges between Syrian and British scholars and others. It undertakes research on contemporary Syria, specifically, on economic and political change in Syria and on security and foreign policy issues concerning Syria.
For more information please visit the Centre for Syrian Studies home page
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Collections in this community
Recent Submissions
The tribes and the state: informal alliances and conflict patterns in contemporary Syria
(University of St Andrews, 2017) - ThesisThroughout history and up to the present day, tribalism continues to influence many issues related to governance, conflict and stability in the Middle East and North Africa. While many civil society advocates argue that ... -
The alliances of a regional power : the case of Syria, 1970-1989
(University of St Andrews, 2015-06-23) - ThesisThe topic of this dissertation is the alliances of a regional power. The framework used to explain this central aspect of International Relations is the realist one, and particularly the work of the Classical Realist Arnold ... -
Syria : why is the Arab Spring turning into a long winter
(University of St Andrews, 2015-06-23) - ThesisThis thesis analyses the problematic trajectory of the Syrian Revolution 2011, which was inspired by the Arab Spring. It first evaluates the causes of the revolution during Bashar al-Asad’s era. An era was aimed to be a ... -
The war of identities amidst the Syrian uprising : the continual reproduction of sub-state identities and the quest to reconstruct Syrian national identity
(University of St Andrews, 2014-06-01) - ThesisThis thesis is about identity clashes during the first two years of the Syrian uprising (from 15th of March 2011 to 15th of March 2013). Chiefly, it attempts to answer the following questions: what roles do identities play ... -
Syria's authoritarian upgrading, 2000-2010 : Bashar al-Asad's promotion of foreign-educated returnees as transnational agents of change
(University of St Andrews, 2013) - ThesisThis thesis analyses the political role of highly-educated Syrian return migrants between 2000 and 2010 and their significance for the regime’s authoritarian upgrading. It critically engages with the expectations raised ...