Mediaeval History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 131-135 of 152
Llywelyn ab Iorwerth : the making of a Welsh prince
(University of St Andrews, 2012-06) - ThesisLlywelyn ab Iorwerth (1173-1140) has long been considered one of the leading heroes of Wales. The life and rule of Llywelyn, known as Llywelyn the Great, is explored in detail in this thesis. The grandson of Owain Gwynedd, ... -
The Jews in England, 1272-1290
(University of St Andrews, 1988) - ThesisEdward I's Jewish policy attempted to curb usury and transform the lives and financial practices of the Jews. Historians have claimed that the policy, which is embodied in the Statutum de Judeismo of 1275, was a failure ... -
'We have nothing more valuable in our treasury' : royal marriage in England, 1154-1272
(University of St Andrews, 2010) - ThesisThat kings throughout the entire Middle Ages used the marriages of themselves and their children to further their political agendas has never been in question. What this thesis examines is the significance these marriage ... -
"for to knowen here sicknesse and to do the lechecraft there fore" : animal ailments and their treatment in late-mediaeval England
(University of St Andrews, 2010-06-24) - ThesisVeterinary medicine in late-mediaeval England has thus far received little attention. This study therefore aims to partly fill this gap by providing an insight into English veterinary practices at this time. The introduction ... -
The Anglo-Saxon and Irish ideal of the Ciuitas, c. 500-1050
(University of St Andrews, 2010-06-24) - ThesisThis thesis examines the ideal of the Anglo-Saxon and Irish ciuitas, c. 500-1050, by considering what Anglo-Saxon and Irish ecclesiastics understood a ciuitas to be, how they used the term in their own writings and what ...