Mediaeval History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-105 of 152
Politics and legislation in England in the early fifteenth century : the Parliament of 1406
(University of St Andrews, 2001) - ThesisThis thesis examines the 'Long Parliament' of 1406 as an example of politics and legislation in England during the early fifteenth century. It is based on a wide range of government sources, including manuscripts from ... -
Perfecting prevention : the medical writings of Maino de Maineri (d.c. 1368)
(University of St Andrews, 2006) - ThesisThis thesis provides evidence of the centrality of prevention to learned medicine as well as wider social interest in and demand for this type of advice in the fourteenth century. It is based on the four major medical ... -
Preachers and governance in fifteenth-century Italian towns : a comparative investigation of three case studies
(University of St Andrews, 2012) - ThesisThis thesis examines the sermons of three conventual mendicant preachers in three 15th-century Italian cities: the Easter Sunday sermons of 1416 and 1417 of a Franciscan, Giovanni Coltellini; a 1446 sermon for the feast-day ... -
The mediaeval bestiary and its textual tradition
(University of St Andrews, 2012) - ThesisThis thesis examines the textual development of the medieval Latin prose bestiary throughout Europe over the course of the Middle Ages and uses this, in conjunction with a detailed study of the manuscripts, to propose ... -
Representations of collective action in Mantua and Parma, c.1000-c.1120
(University of St Andrews, 2013) - ThesisDuring the 1970s Keller codified a Ständeordnung (social order) in the cities of Italy in the ninth to twelfth centuries dividing political society into three ordines: the capitanei (high nobility), valvassores (low ...