The School of English has a dynamic research culture, which involves staff, postgraduates and postdoctoral fellows in attending and organizing international conferences and literary festivals; in undertaking collaborative research and archival projects; as well as in the individual work of scholarly editing and the writing of monographs and works of literature. Our research work is divided into four groups, of which staff are members, and postgraduate students are associate members. These groups are: Mediaeval and Renaissance; 18th Century, Romantic and Victorian; Modern and Contemporary; and Creative Writing.
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Battling the closet : queerness in 1940s British literature
(2025-07-02) - ThesisIn 1940s Britain, the upheaval of gender ‘norms’ during the Second World War destabilised the structures of the heterosexual matrix and generated a wartime climate that was, in many respects, queer. Critics working in the ... -
The wicked and the divine : the influence of Alfred Tennyson's Vivien on literature and art, 1859-1951
(2025-07-02) - ThesisThis thesis examines the legacy of Alfred Tennyson’s Vivien, the wicked enchantress of the Idylls of the King (1859), in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Anglo-American Arthurian literature and art. Chapter 1 details ... -
My litel suffisaunce : humility and its compatriots in Middle English literature
(2024-12-03) - ThesisTropes of humility are as ubiquitous in the literature of Medieval Europe as they are understudied in the modern academic literature. While many individual examples are dealt with frequently, a comprehensive investigation ...