Classics Theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-5 of 153
600 leagues under the sea : maritime communities and commercial connectivity in the western Mediterranean world of late antiquity
(2025-07-02) - ThesisThis thesis focuses on the relational connections inherent in the maritime economies of the late antique western Mediterranean, combining archaeological material from both land and sea along with environmental and literary ... -
Old ways, new names : identity, reciprocity and continuity in the northwestern Roman alae, 52 B.C.-A.D. 212
(2020-07-30) - ThesisThis thesis focuses on Rome’s desire to exploit the well-documented prowess of northwestern Iron Age groups in the area of cavalry, while also taking into consideration the dynamics of control and risk involved in such a ... -
The inspired intellect : Neoplatonism and its reception in Robert Graves, Jorge Luis Borges, Suzanne Lilar, and Kathleen Raine
(2020-07-30) - ThesisThis thesis argues that Neoplatonic philosophy made a significant contribution to the understanding and expression of inspiration in twentieth-century literary culture. In emphasising the importance of a text- based body ... -
Intertextuality in the Egyptian books of Achilles Tatius' Leukippe and Kleitophon
(2020-07-30) - ThesisThis thesis explores intertextuality in the books of Achilles Tatius’ (henceforward AT) Leukippe and Kleitophon (henceforward L&C) which are set in Egypt (i.e. 3.6-5.14). L&C is distinctly intertextual and intratextual, ... -
Truth and fiction in Servius' commentary on Virgil
(2024-12-04) - ThesisTracing the grammatical, philosophical, and interpretive traditions that shaped his exegesis, this dissertation considers Servius’ critical approach to fiction in his commentaries on Virgil’s Aeneid, Eclogues, and Georgics ...