Classics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-45 of 163
When is Rome? Developments in Roman civic identity during the Archaic Period (c.650 - c.350 BC)
(2019-06-27) - ThesisThis study investigates the origins and growth of civic identity at Rome during the city’s initial phases in the mid-seventh to the mid-fourth century BC. Although the development of Roman identity in the face of Rome’s ... -
A commentary on St. Augustine's De Doctrina Christiana book 2, chapters 1-40
(University of St Andrews, 1980) - ThesisThe aim of the introduction and commentary is to explore the nature of the work, its sources and originality and the relationship of its pagan and Christian background, in addition to elucidating the text on certain ... -
The poetics and politics of Ovidian intertexts in Statius' Thebaid
(2019-06-27) - ThesisThis thesis seeks to offer the first in-depth exploration of the extent and the significance of Ovidian intertexts in Statius’ Thebaid, with particular emphasis on the ways they interact with the readers’ perception of the ... -
Madness in Socratic philosophy : Xenophon, Plato and Epictetus
(2019-06-27) - ThesisMy central claim is that three Socratic philosophers, Xenophon, Plato and Epictetus, engage with views presented as non-philosophical in their discussions of madness, and this engagement, which has not been sufficiently ... -
Setting limits, pushing boundaries : Tacitus’ 'Agricola' and the simulacrum of history
(2019-06-27) - ThesisThis thesis investigates the generic hybridity of Tacitus’ Agricola, a text whose experimental nature still represents a literary puzzle, not only within Tacitus’ historiographical output, but also as a piece of Roman ...