Now showing items 51-55 of 131

    • Listen to the others: the rehearsal process as a constant act of care 

      Bento-Coelho, Inês (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2018-04-05) - Journal article
      While artists and performance makers use different strategies when engaging with participants in the rehearsal room, their presence provides the practitioner with a chance to care and ethically embed the other’s agency in ...
    • Negotiating care: an exploration of non-place within a deafblind performance project 

      Stringer, Will (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2018-04-06) - Journal article
      This article brings together diverse theories on disability, place, non-place and care to explore a process involving deafblind performers. The article is based upon work within a five-month residency with a performance ...
    • Between care and self-care: dramaturgies of mindfulness in the work of the vacuum cleaner 

      Greer, Stephen (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2018-04-06) - Journal article
      Since 2009, the performance work of ‘art and activist collective of one’ James Leadbitter—better known as the vacuum cleaner—has repeatedly engaged with issues surrounding mental illness, ‘madness’ and mental health ...
    • Dear self 

      Cade, Rosana (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2018-04-06) - Journal article
      This text was originally read by Rosana Cade at the The Art of Care-full Practice Symposium on 5 March 2017.
    • Dedication: It’s all allowed: inspired by Adrian 

      Bissell, Laura (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2018-04-06) - Journal article