Now showing items 71-75 of 131

    • Book review: Conducting for a new era, by Edwin Roxburgh 

      Downes, Michael (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2016-06-29) - Book review
      Book review of: Conducting for a new era, by Edwin Roxburgh.
    • Book review: The actor training reader, edited by Mark Evans 

      de Souza, Ali (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2016-06-29) - Book review
      Book review of: The actor training reader, edited by Mark Evans
    • Interview: Tony Reekie 

      Fletcher-Watson, Ben (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2016-06-28) - Journal item
      In 2015, Tony Reekie stood down as Director of Imaginate, Scotland’s national art-form development organisation for theatre for young audiences. Tony had programmed the annual Imaginate Festival of performing arts for ...
    • Symposium abstracts: Thresholds and permeability in performance 

      Fletcher-Watson, Ben; Ong, Adelina; Rush, Adam; Fielding, Rosie; Zezulka, Kelli; Graham, Katherine; Venn, Jonathan; Dumitriu, Silvia; Shyldkrot, Yaron; Finbow, Acatia; Willett, Jennifer; Slator, Sarah; Moore, Bridie; Murphy, Laura; Shoji, Moe; Milburn, Laura; Smith, Eve; Surgey, Kirsty (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2016-06-29) - Journal item
    • Practitioner report: SHINE 

      Williams, Bede; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; McGuire, Eddie; Fitzpatrick, Tim (The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 2016-06-29) - Report