Art History Research
School staff and students participate in University-wide research centres such as the St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the Scottish Studies Network. Our principal strengths lie in the areas of medieval and Renaissance art, in European and American modernism, the history of photography, the decorative arts in Britain and Museum and Gallery Studies.
For more information please visit the School of Art History home page.
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Recent Submissions
Out of the wilderness : a fourteenth-century English drawing of John the Baptist
(2010) - Journal articleLondon, British Library, MS Royal 10 B XIV contains a large drawing of St. John the Baptist that is both exceptional for its quality and iconographically unique. Not previously noticed by art historians, it constitutes an ... -
Scottish medieval parish churches : the evidence from the dioceses of Dunblane and Dunkeld
(2010-02) - Journal articleAn account of a research project into the architectural and historical evidence for the survival of medieval fabric in the parish churches of the dioceses of Dunblane and Dunkeld. -
From Baghçesary Salsabil to Bakhchisarai Fountain: The Transference of Tatar Triumph to Tears
(University of St Andrews, 2002) - Journal articleContents of whole book: Catherine the Great's 'Greek project' and the ideology of court architecture during her reign / Dmitry Shvidkovsky -- Shadows in the city: public representations and private identities in Warsaw ...