Art History
School staff and students participate in University-wide research centres such as the St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies and the Scottish Studies Network. Our principal strengths lie in the areas of medieval and Renaissance art, in European and American modernism, the history of photography, the decorative arts in Britain and Museum and Gallery Studies.
For more information please visit the School of Art History home page.
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Recent Submissions
Conjuring Empire : photography and place during the early years of French colonialism in Indochina (1845–1879)
(2025-07-03) - ThesisThis thesis analyses photography’s ties with the French colonial project in Mainland Southeast Asia from the earliest photographs of Vietnam (1845) to the end of naval rule in French Cochinchina (1879). In Indochina, as ... -
Occupational labour : image production in South-West Asia & North Africa
(2024-12-04) - ThesisThis thesis proposes occupational labour, which emerges from my analysis of local contexts of image production from South-West Asia and North Africa (SWANA). Occupational labour is a conceptual framework that delineates ... -
'Utopian' artisan : David Harding and the town art of Glenrothes
(2024-12-04) - ThesisThis thesis provides a critical history of the public art of Glenrothes and the role of the town artist, with a focus on David Harding’s tenure, 1968-78, which has been overlooked in academic study and by the art world. ... -
The stuff of miracles : materialising English bishop saints’ shrines in the twelfth to sixteenth centuries
(2024-12-04) - ThesisBetween the twelfth to sixteenth centuries, new episcopal saints and their miracle-working cults emerged across England as direct responses to St Thomas Becket’s murder and canonisation in Canterbury Cathedral. While each ... -
Fernand Khnopff (1858-1921) : art and photography in the nineteenth century
(2020-07-30) - ThesisThis thesis focuses on the works of a key figure of Belgian Symbolism and the European fin-de-siècle scene – the artist Fernand Khnopff (1858 – 1921) – in order to explore the interactions between fine art and photography ...