Now showing items 126-130 of 167

    • 'Sons of Crispin' : the St Crispin societies of Edinburgh and Scotland 

      Marwick, Sandra M. (University of St Andrews, 2013-11-29) - Thesis
      City of Edinburgh Museums and Galleries hold a substantial collection of artefacts and record books donated in 1909 by the office bearers of the Royal Ancient Order of St Crispin. This organisation was the final reincarnation ...
    • The 'Blue Rose' movement and Russian symbolist painting 

      Bowlt, John E. (University of St Andrews, 1972) - Thesis
      The object of this essay is two-fold: firstly, to present an examination of the "Blue Rose" group of artists in the context of Russian Symbolism and secondly, to indicate its importance to the evolution of modern Russian ...
    • Artistic patronage in late medieval Troyes, 1380-1520 

      Wyant, Cody James (University of St Andrews, 2012) - Thesis
      This thesis explores the development of artistic patronage in the city of Troyes between 1380 and 1520. It takes into consideration the patrons and artists involved in the creation of manuscript illumination, sculpture, ...
    • Furnishing Britain : Gothic as a national aesthetic, 1740–1840 

      Lindfield, Peter Nelson (University of St Andrews, 2012-09) - Thesis
      Furniture history is often considered a niche subject removed from the main discipline of art history, and one that has little to do with the output of painters, sculptors and architects. This thesis, however, connects the ...
    • Class, consumption and currency : commercial photography in mid-Victorian Scotland 

      Laurence-Allen, Antonia (University of St Andrews, 2012-11-30) - Thesis
      This thesis examines a thirty year span in the history of Scottish photography, focusing on the rise of the commercial studio from 1851 to assess how images were produced and consumed by the middle class in the mid-Victorian ...