Levantine attitudes towards the Franks during the early Crusades (490/1096 - 564/1169)
The period of the Crusades was one of the most important periods in the
history of both Western Europe and the Middle East, for it was during this period
that the peoples of Western Europe made their first major incursion on eastern soil.
The result of this was that an unprecedented amount of contact was established
between East and West, forcing each side to become more closely acquainted with
the culture of the other. As far as this cultural exchange is concerned, one of the
most significant parts of the crusading period was that encompassing the first two
crusades and their aftermath (490/1096-564/1169), as it was during this period that
crusaders and easterners first clashed with each other, and were forced to learn
much about each other. This sudden clash and forced acquaintance resulted in the
development of certain attitudes on each side towards the other. This thesis concerns
itself with the development of the attitudes of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish
communities towards the Franks (western crusaders) in the major theatre of conflict
of the area, the Levant.
In the thesis as many texts as possible from the literature of the period are
examined, in order to extract information from them concerning the developments
in Levantine knowledge of and attitudes towards the Franks. The texts examined
include both contemporary and later historical, geographical and judicial texts from
the area, and also local works of literature. In addition to the Muslim, Christian and
Jewish texts, and for the sake of comparison and completeness, brief consideration
is also given to a number of works of Byzantine and Frankish writers. Naturally, use
is also made of secondary works by modern scholars. In this way this thesis provides
a detailed examination of cross-cultural inter-faith relations during this formative
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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