Monarchy and nobility in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-113: establishment and origins
The starting-point of this thesis is the question of the origin of the
nobility in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem up to 1131. This is discussed in
parallel with the question of the origins of the monarchy itself and that
of relations between the two institutions.
Chapter 1 discusses the European origins of the monarchy which derived
from two distinct dynastic traditions, the House of Ardennes-Verdun whose
power had declined in the later eleventh century and was extinguished on the
eve of the crusade, and the House of Boulogne which was in an ascendant.
Chapter 2 examines Godfrey of Bouillon's crusading army between 1096
and 1099. Originally almost exclusively Lotharingian in composition, the
army absorbed numerous elements from other contingents in the course of
the march. The minority who remained in Outremer after 1099 were of
diverse origin and had developed strong ties to the Ardennes-Boulogne
Chapter 3 re-assesses the generally accepted nature of the state
established in Palestine by the First Crusade, arguing that this was a
secular monarchy headed by a princeps whose authority derived from God.
Chapter 4 deals with the origins of the nobility and is an analysis of
prosopographical material presented in the Appendix, while Chapter 5 is a
chronologically-based analysis of relations between monarchy and nobility.
The nobility comprised four main groups: Lotharingians and Germans;
Normans; Flemings, and Picards; and men from the Ile-de-France and the
surrounding areas. The last group increased in numbers and influence after
the accession of a new dynasty in the person of Baldwin II. Resentment
against his policies, and a growing factionalism based on dynastic
loyalties and geographical origins enabled sections of the nobilty to
threaten the monarchy in this and the next reign.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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