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dc.contributor.authorCappell, Rod
dc.contributor.authorNimmo, F.
dc.contributor.authorButler, D.
dc.contributor.authorPrang, R.
dc.identifier.citationCappell R., Nimmo F., Butler D. and Prang R. (2015). Evidence gathering in support of sustainable Scottish inshore fisheries: work package (8) final report: establishing a dedicated information resource base for Scottish inshore fisheries – a pilot study. Published by Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS). 15pp.en_US
dc.description.abstract[Extract from Executive Summary] This study was undertaken by Poseidon and Acoura for the Scottish Sustainable Inshore Fisheries (SSIF) Project and was completed from July 2014 to June 2015. The objectives of the project were met as it delivered: 1. A searchable database of information for Scottish inshore fisheries; 2. The database was populated to identify information shortfalls, updated information and additional information of relevance to the IFG management plans; 3. The potential and specification for a shared information platform.en_US
dc.publisherMarine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)en_US
dc.rightsCopyright © the author(s) / rights holder. This is the final version of the work. This work has been made available online with permission. Permission for further reuse of this content should be sought from the rights holder as identified in the PDF.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMarine biologyen_US
dc.subject.lcshMarine biology--Scotlanden_US
dc.titleEvidence gathering in support of sustainable Scottish inshore fisheries: work package (8) final report: establishing a dedicated information resource base for Scottish inshore fisheries – a pilot studyen_US
dc.description.version PDFen_US
dc.statusNon peer revieweden_US

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