Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV)
The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV), established in 1994, is an independent academic research centre within the School of International Relations of the University of St. Andrews. CSTPV is dedicated to the study of the determinants, manifestations and consequences of terrorism and other forms of political violence. In addition, CSTPV investigates the responses of states, civil society and international organisations to violent modes of waging conflict. CSTPV's research and teaching are grounded in a belief in public service, global responsibility and the desire to contribute to the enhancement of human security.
For more information please visit the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) home page.
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Recent Submissions
The "no-go" areas in Northern Ireland 1969-1972
(University of St Andrews, 2022-06-14) - ThesisThe purpose behind the thesis is to explore a little studied (and indeed little known) phenomenon of grassroots popular politics that took place in Northern Ireland between the years 1969-1972, during the early years of ... -
The United Nations and terrorism : a long term assessment of changes and continuities
(2020-07-28) - ThesisAlthough terrorism continues to retain its localised nature in some respects, the threat has taken on an international character for some time now. Consequently, national efforts to curb terrorism are not sufficient in ... -
Indiscriminate violence against civilians : an inquiry into the nature and the effects of group-selective violence
(2018-06-26) - ThesisIndiscriminate violence against civilians is a recurrent problem in armed conflicts of all sorts. However, from a social science perspective this type of violence poses a puzzle. The literature on government and non-government ... -
Dealing with nationalism in view of a human need to belong: the feasibility of narrative transformation in Northern Ireland
(University of St Andrews, 2018-12-07) - ThesisThis thesis seeks to delineate what change in divided societies such as Northern Ireland is possible. Two steps are necessary to answer this question: first, to explain the potency of nationalism. I contend that taking the ... -
The role of civil society actors in peacemaking : the case of Guatemala
(2017-04-24) - Journal articleThis article builds upon recent scholarship in critical peace studies that focuses on the role of civil society actors in formal peacemaking processes, in short, peace talks, and post-conflict peacebuilding. The article ...