PharmacoEconomics Research Centre (PERC) Research
The PharmacoEconomics Research Centre (PERC) was established in 1992, formalising an informal tri-partite collaborative arrangement between the universities of St Andrews and Dundee and Tayside Health Board, which had started in 1986. PharmacoEconomics is an inter-disciplinary area, which requires expertise in Health Economics, Health Care Management, Pharmacology, Epidemiology, Pharmacy, Psychology and other branches of medicine and the social sciences. The Centre is also part of the MRC funded centre for Health Services research (CHeSeR), together with the universities of Dundee, Bristol, York and Aberdeen. The aim of PERC is to maintain its leading position as an internationally recognised organisation providing multidisciplinary research to address technical, medical, and economic analysis of pharmaceutical and other health technology products.
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