Courtship communication in the wild chimpanzees of Budongo, Uganda
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This thesis examines wild chimpanzee mating behaviour, and considers in particular
the role of communication during mating. Previous studies have focused on compiling
behavioural ethograms, or on a small subset of courtship signals. More generally, research on
chimpanzee sexual behaviour has rarely looked at intentional communication, but instead
focused on a handful of courtship tactics, such as male long-term aggression or female
proceptive behaviour, despite every indication across great ape species that intentional
communication is important in courtship. On these grounds, I undertook an examination of
both male and female communication in the Sonso chimpanzee community in the Budongo
forest, Uganda.
The chapters comprising this thesis examine female copulation calling, male gestural
displays during opportunistic mating, male gestural displays during consortship, and the role
of female preferences on male courtship displays. Parous and nulliparous females have
different calling strategies based on high-ranking male audience, copulation duration, and
level of female competition. Males use a small subset of their gestural repertoire to solicit for
copulation, concentrating the majority of gesturing in 5 gesture types. Gestures were
successful for both high- and low-ranking males, although high-ranking males employed
more agonistic gestures than low-ranking males. All males showed high rates of persistence
following failure, especially during consortship. Overall, the likelihood of copulation was not
influenced by traditional courtship factors such as vigour, but rather was dependent on
effective use of gestures.
My research shows that both male and female chimpanzees use communication
tactically during courtship: for females, this is evidenced by differing copulation call
strategies in parous and nulliparous females. For males, social status plays less of a role than
persistence for achieving copulation, although high-ranking males do use coercive gestures
more frequently. Overall, I show that communication is an effective tool for answering
questions about mating strategies in chimpanzees.
Thesis, PhD Doctor of Philosophy
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