Spanish Research
The Department engages in a lively and communicative approach with a language, spoken by over 500 million people, and the cultures and histories of 21 countries. Specific interests range from socio-linguistics, Golden Age literature, modern and contemporary Spanish as well as Spanish American literature, film studies and history.
For more information please visit the Department of Spanish home page.
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Recent Submissions
“The ‘Ars vivendi’ of Laura Mañà’s Morir en San Hilario/To Die in San Hilario (2005)”
(2012-11-21) - Journal articleOver the past decade Spanish-Language Cinema has established itself beside Spanish and Latin American Cinema, and Morir en San Hilario is a good example of these new flexible collaborations rather than a strict transnational ... -
Violets and abolition : The discourse on slavery in Faustina Saez de Melgar's magazine La Violeta (1862-1866)
(2012-09) - Journal articleAlthough the commitment of several nineteenth-century Spanish women writers to abolitionism is a well-established fact, not much is known about the concrete forms their engagement took in a society in which the bourgeois ... -
El final de El astillero
(2003) - Journal articleThe novel El astillero (Buenos Aires 1961), by Juan Carlos Onetti, provides two alternative endings, which have inspired a number of interpretations. The present article provides a reading based on the tension in the novel ...