Italian Theses
The Italian Department in St Andrews is the largest in Scotland and one of the main centres for the study of Italian in the UK, and members of the Department have high international research profiles.
For more information please visit the Department of Italian home page.
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Recent Submissions
Faith and feminism : mysticism, theology and the Bible in the works of Moderata Fonte and Lucrezia Marinella
(2024-12-04) - ThesisAbstract redacted -
Fragmented subjects : fracture, ethics, and relationality in Elena Ferrante and Goliarda Sapienza
(2022-06-17) - ThesisThis dissertation explores an overlap between fragmented female subjectivities, ethics, and relationality in Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels (2011-14) and Goliarda Sapienza’s ‘autobiografia delle contraddizioni’ (1967-87 ... -
Examining Italian postcolonial narratives through the lens of intermediality
(2023-11-29) - ThesisThis doctoral thesis sets out to investigate how different media interact in Italian postcolonial narratives by employing the theoretical framework of intermediality. It explores how intermedial configurations create more ... -
Title redacted
(University of St Andrews, 2016-06-23) - Thesis -
Transnationalizing Lampedusa: representing migration in Italy and beyond
(University of St Andrews, 2019-06-27) - ThesisThis thesis explores the transnational dimension of Lampedusa, and how its symbolism can be used to address questions of identity and subjectivity in the cultural representation of migration. By examining the initiatives ...