University Support Units
Publications from University staff in support units including IT Services and Lean.
IT services: For more information please visit the IT Services home page.
Lean: See information about the Lean consultancy.
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Recent Submissions
Becoming Lean pocket guide
(University of St Andrews, 2015-01) - BookThis pocket guide aims to give an overview of what Lean is on a conceptual level, explain how Lean fits into the Higher Education setting, detail how Lean is being applied in the University, and give ideas about how Lean ... -
Becoming a Lean University: the case of the University of St Andrews
(Raabe Verlag, 2014) - Book itemThis article looks at how “lean” can be successfully introduced into a higher education setting by discussing what has become known as ‘The St Andrews Model’. The article demonstrates that “lean” can be adapted to suit the ... -
Research information meets research data management
(Elsevier, 2013-03-18) - Journal article -
Hardy's First Experiences with American Publishers
(2003) - Journal article