Now showing items 121-125 of 259

    • Towards a theology of experience - through an exploration of the practice of healing ministry 

      Williams, Jenny (St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, 2007-06-01) - Journal article
      Jenny Williams takes us with her on a very personal journey of self-discovery as she writes of the theology which has emerged from her experience of working creatively with the tensions that have been present throughout ...
    • Incomplete theology: reflections on a theology of hospice chaplaincy 

      Gordon, Tom (St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, 2007-06-01) - Journal article
      Working as a hospice chaplain, Tom Gordon's theology is generated by his perception of that healing of spirit which comes when healing of body is no longer possible. The theology which emerges from the reality of this ...
    • 'What becomes possible in that place': reflections on ecumenical location 

      Galloway, Kathy (St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, 2007-06-01) - Journal article
      Taking as her starting point the physical shape of churches and Christian events (in particular last year's 9th Assembly of the WCC), Kathy Galloway goes on to use this concept of `shape' to examine the current make-up of ...
    • A question of identity 

      Elliot, Alison (St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, 2007-06-01) - Journal article
      Alison Elliot works in an academic context whose raison d'être is precisely the relationship between theology and issues in the public domain. She brings the added perspective of her year as Moderator of the General Assembly ...
    • What is wrong with the Old Testament? Some reflections on war and violence in the Hebrew Bible 

      Barstad, Hans M. (St Mary's College, University of St Andrews, 2007-06-01) - Journal article
      In this his Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at New College, Hans Barstad looks at how we can approach the Hebrew Bible without disregarding its difficult passages, and explores how we can use ...