Dr McKimmon argues that while secularisation is a permanent and irreversible process, the decline and death of the Church as we know it may yet be providential. The various forms that the Church has taken over the ages have often proved transitory: the past teaches us that history is an open-ended process, and the eclipse of institutions is shown to be inevitable. However, life may be lived with God yet without a Church, with a cloud of unknowing between the present and the future. Dr McKimmon criticises undue concentration on the current paradigm of ‘change in order to survive’ and concludes with a plea for deeper pastoral care for the Church in its current situation. The Church is indeed, he insists, a transitory organisation – however a sunset may be beautiful.
McKimmon, E. G. (2016). The gift of an aging church. Theology in Scotland, 23(2), 33-39.
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