Now showing items 131-135 of 330

    • In search of a national voice : some similarities between Scottish and Canadian poetry 1860-1930 

      Knowles, Linda Christine (University of St Andrews, 1981) - Thesis
      The work is a study of poetry in Scotland and Canada in the period 1860-1930, with a special emphasis on the influence of nationalism. A discussion of the problems of literary nationalism in both countries is followed by ...
    • Beyond the antisyzygy : Bakhtin and some modern Scottish writers 

      Bittenbender, J. Christopher (University of St Andrews, 1997-06) - Thesis
      This dissertation shows how beneficial the ideas of the Russian literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin are when used to investigate both classical and more recent Scottish writing. An exploration of how a desire for a Scottish ...
    • Theatre and anti-theatre in the plays of Harold Pinter 

      Ayoubi, Hassan (University of St Andrews, 1985-07) - Thesis
      This is an analytical study of Harold Pinter's drama in the light of its reconciliation of elements culled from the symbolic anti-theatre movements that have flourished on the continent (especially in France) and elements ...
    • Androgyny and the reconciliation of opposites in the novels of Virginia Woolf 

      Charbonneau, Clare J. (University of St Andrews, 1990-07) - Thesis
      The purpose of the following study is to demonstrate that Virginia Woolf's belief in the theory of androgyny is not merely a "flirtation", as Lyndall Gordon asserts, but, rather, that it is the focus of her artistic and ...
    • The actor as dramatist : a study of the plays of John Osborne 

      Smith, David (1985-07)
      This thesis examines John Osborne's work in the light of his experiences in the theatre prior to his rise to fame as a dramatist and also as a working actor during the greater part of his career as a dramatist. The thesis ...