General: The files included on this CD contain videos from a star formation simulation with ionising feedback, performed with Phantom and CMacIonize (see references in the thesis). The point of view is within the cloud, and I have used a 360 degree projection in SPLASH (referenced in the text) to produce the videos. This means that the middle point of each video is straight ahead of the observer, and the left and right sides of the videos are exactly behind the observer. Likewise, the top and the bottom sides correspond to the spherical poles. This type of projection allows for the videos to be viewed with a VR (virtual reality) headset. Alternatively, they can also be viewed as regular videos. Both videos span roughly 0.35 Myr of simulation time, and loop over the same frames a couple of times for viewing clarity. File description: density.mp4: The colours correspond to column density along the line of sight, with lighter colours signifying higher density. energy.mp4: The colours correspond to integrated specific internal energy along the line of sight. Lighter colours signify higher values, and are due to ionisation effects.